The good causes for 2009/10 that are supported by my Charity Appeal combine new initiatives and existing charities. If you would like to make a donation online - thank you. Donations can be made quickly and securely through my justgiving page at:
The Birmingham Fund for Pancreatic Cancer Research
While there has been steady progress with the treatment of several forms of cancer, for pancreatic cancer the five-year survival rate following diagnosis forty years ago stood at 3%. Today that rate is still little more than 3%. But there are promising research possibilities and the disease can be treatable on occasions where cancer of the pancreas, which typically shows symptoms only at a late stage, is detected early enough. The primary focus of the fund will be on research, conducted at the School of Cancer Sciences at the University of Birmingham, into improved diagnostic methods. The objective is to establish a fund that outlasts the current Mayoralty.
The Lord Mayor’s Engineering Scholarships
A fund to encourage young people to take up the study of engineering and the practice of manufacturing in Birmingham at various levels and in a range of forms. Manufacturing and engineering have made unmatched contributions to the city, and it is vital that Birmingham remains prominent in these important fields. So alongside other initiatives, the fund will be used to encourage and enable young people from Birmingham to take up engineering as a course of study and as a fulfilling future career. Encouragement will also be offered to progress apprenticeships and developments in newer areas such as Clinical Engineering.
WAITS (Women Acting In Today’s Society) is a very important charity in a diverse city such as Birmingham, and WAITS is doing outstanding work tackling domestic violence and enabling women to address issues, overcome barriers and combat isolation. WAITS provides help to increase the involvement of women in the professional, business and public life of the city - from which all will benefit. There is a continuing need for the wide range of activities carried out by WAITS and there are many who are yet to benefit and a great deal more work still to be done.
St Basil’s
St Basil’s works with young people aged 16 to 25 providing support services, advice, mediation and guidance and tackling and preventing homelessness and its consequences. This charity has helped to transform many young lives in Birmingham and beyond. St Basil’s has nationally recognised expertise and not only provides accommodation but sets young people on secure tracks in life through education and employment. In today’s economic circumstances there is likely to be even greater need for the wide range of services provided by St Basil’s.
The Birmingham Fund for Pancreatic Cancer Research

The Lord Mayor’s Engineering Scholarships


St Basil’s

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