Sunday 17 August 2014


If you have found some of the articles that I've posted recently on this blog of interest, you may also find items on this short list of relevant reading, including some less well known but absorbing books, intriguing. Of course, there are a good many books and other publications (for example special issues of The New Scientist or The Scientific American) that take up similar ideas in one way or another, these just happen to be the ones that caught my eye.
I have concentrated solely on printed books here although some of the titles may now be available in electronic form. Some of them may have associated websites (amongst very many other websites) but they are rarely as substantial as the book. There are also numerous relevant and interesting broadcast documentaries that may be repeated. Wikipedia will also be a useful reference of course and a Google search will also turn up further details and some additional related items.
In no particular order:

Memories, Dreams, Reflections: C. G. Jung
Modern man in search of a soul: C.G. Jung
Ideas and Opinions: Albert Einstein
The Clock of the Long Now: Stuart Brand
The Tao of Physics: Fritjof Capra
The Soul of the White Ant: Eugene Marais
Truth and Fiction in the Bible: Robin Lane Fox
The Star Thrower:  Loren Eiseley
Cosmos: Carl Sagan
Gödel Escher Bach – an eternal golden braid: Douglas Hofstadter
The Harvest of a quiet eye: A. L. Mackay

If you take up any of these reading suggestions, I hope that you find them as thought provoking and inspirational as I have done.

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