In our terms of office so far as Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Birmingham we have seen much to be encouraged about in all that is going on throughout the city .
To pick out but three things: the sheer number of volunteers and good people – far, far more than the other sort we read about seemingly every day; very positive work in industry that we value so much and the overwhelmingly positive views that visitors have about our city and its people.
So at the turn of what has been a challenging year, I believe that we can look forward to the future with renewed confidence for all the people of our great city of Birmingham – so let’s ring in the new!
The Lady Mayoress and I would like to take this opportunity of wishing everyone in Birmingham and beyond a peaceful, prosperous and healthy 2010 and a very happy New Year.
To pick out but three things: the sheer number of volunteers and good people – far, far more than the other sort we read about seemingly every day; very positive work in industry that we value so much and the overwhelmingly positive views that visitors have about our city and its people.

The Lady Mayoress and I would like to take this opportunity of wishing everyone in Birmingham and beyond a peaceful, prosperous and healthy 2010 and a very happy New Year.
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